Talks With A Fox Podcast

Sunshine Tenasco: Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Clean Drinking Water Activism

Andrea True Joy Fox Season 1 Episode 22

Sunshine Tenasco is a First Nations mommy of four funny kids from Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg. She is a social entrepreneur and author who believes that business is an exciting place where people can create positive change.  

Sunshine launched Her Braids in 2015, which is a business that aims to create awareness about the issues of clean drinking water in First Nations communities through beaded pendants, workshops and her children's book, “Nibi’s Water Song”.  Her Braids has committed to donating 10% of their profits to the David Suzuki Foundations, The Blue Dot movement. 

She is also the CEO of Pow Wow Pitch, which aims to give Indigenous entrepreneurs the platform to showcase their entrepreneurial endeavours and a chance to win start-up cash and mentorship.  Sunshine hopes to help cultivate the culture of entrepreneurship in Indigenous communities. 

In this episode, Sunshine’s bright and powerful voice serves up inspiration through her humanitarian spirit and bold business influence and brilliance. She breathes life into the many parts of her world-education, entrepreneurship, writing and her most important role-motherhood. Sunshine symbolizes the resilience, strength and spirit of Indigenous women who are bringing their communities forward through prosperity and healing. 

To learn more about Sunshine Tenasco’s businesses and activism, visit:

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Hand to Heart, 

Andrea + Talks With A Fox Podcast Team🦊

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